Saturday, February 28, 2015


Part of my quest for better health includes mental, emotional, and spiritual well being.  Today's world is filled with almost 24-7 demands. It used to be we could turn off distractions and rest but now with social media and technology that's portable it's difficult to escape. Now add in the mixture having Attention Deficit Disorder and with it the inability to focus it just create chaos. 

Now yes I'm on medicine for my ADD but I've also added something else to help.  Meditation. I know, I know it sounds so new age and weird but it works. Closing my eyes and focusing on just breathing or on one concept (like positive thinking) has been to say the least life changing. My ability to focus and concentrate has improved immensely. I also know that morning meditations help me to keep a positive outlook during the day. I missed a day earlier this week and I was grouchy.   My family has noticed the improvement and encourage me to continue meditation. I found this post on the Facebook page for My Uoga Online and I think it accurately depicts my brain before and after meditation.

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